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On a personal note…

I needed to step back and breathe.

Have you ever felt like that?

In case you hadn’t noticed, I took a break from blogging for a while. It was strange because for so long I was living and breathing this blog. I felt as though I’d been running a marathon and was suddenly wiping out.

God started moving in my heart, and I wasn’t sure what He was doing. But I did welcome the change because I was beginning to be depressed and frustrated and lacking in desire to engage in what was going in my life, which at the time, was a lot.

So I took a step back and started reading other blogs that are out there, blogs that encouraged me where I was as a wife and mom, and took a break from the blogs that pulled me into another arena, an arena I wasn’t fully entrenched in.

My journey out of fundamentalism is real, but I have not spent my whole life in like others have.

Yet my desire to share with others is strong and I want to continue doing so. 

I feel that there are many people out there just like me. We don’t fit into a particular group. We just are. We are broken people with messy lives.

We may not know everything enough to convince people to hold a particular view, but we can share our stories, and in doing so, change lives.

I am amazed at the stories of people I know: a mom who’s newly single and raising five boys, struggling to make it financially, a friend whose son was born at 25 weeks gestation and only lived for two days, a college friend who recently learned he’s bipolar.

I’m sure you know people with similar stories.

During the last few months, I have realized this: I am more than what I am against, and I know you are too.

I don’t know what God has for me as far as blogging in the future, but I’m going to follow His lead and see where He takes me. I hope you’ll come along with me.

It’ll be a fun ride. 🙂

Together we can make a difference, one voice, one story at a time.


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